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Colorful Crystal


What should I expect from my session?

At the practitioner’s hand placements, you may feel a very slight tingling, heat, or energy, or nothing at all. The sensations or lack of are not a barometer of the Reiki, they are just how your particular body senses energy.


You may feel peace and calm in your mind or physically in general. It is different for all clients. Sometimes clients may even fall asleep during the session. Don’t worry though, you will still receive all of the benefits of the session, sleeping or awake.


A reiki session can be very powerful and bring a lot of hidden thoughts to the surface, some clients may even cry as negative feelings are released. 

How should I prepare for my treatment?

It is suggested to refrain from caffeine, sugar or alcohol at least three hours before a session.  Avoid having a heavy meal before a session.

Am I clothed during my Reiki Session?

Yes. Unlike a massage therapy session, you will be fully clothed. You will want to wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing.

Will I be laying down or sitting?

Reiki is usually performed on a client who is fully reclined comfortably on a massage table. It also may be performed on a client who is semi-reclined on a massage chair or recliner. If you have mobility or pain issues please communicate these to your Practitioner so they may make you your most comfortable for the session.

For a distance session you can lay down in your bed, couch or sit in a comfortable chair.

What is needed for a distance session?

 I will need at least a photo (as current as possible) and full name. Additional personal information may be helpful but not required, I.e town you live in or town/place you want to receive Reiki (if outside of your home town).


Turn your devices to ‘do not disturb’. Do what you need to to ensure any people or animals in your environment will know not to disturb you during this time. A calm peaceful environment, whether inside or outside is best.


It is suggested to refrain from caffeine, sugar or alcohol at least three hours before a session. Avoid having a heavy meal before a session.


Use the restroom if you need so that you can enjoy the full session without being disturbed.


Reiki is considered alternative, complementary approach and does not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.

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